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Certified in Planning and Inventory Management (CPIM)


 CPIM是 Certified in Planning and Inventory Management 的縮寫詞,被翻譯為生產計劃和庫存管理師、生產和庫存管理專家認證、產業管理師或運營管理師等,為美國運營管理協會APICS)所提供的專業證照。








Manufacturing Planning & Control (MPC Framework)

MPC 生產規劃及控制框架是 APICS & CPIM 認證的核心思維模式和知識體系。通過學習 CPIM,您將從 MPC 的角度學習基本的供應鏈管理,並瞭解製造商如何管理從長期戰略規劃到中期戰術規劃以及短期運營規劃和執行的供求關係。

Who is the APICS CPIM program designed for?


那些職位人士適合學習並考取 CPIM 專業認證:

  • 物料採購及物料計畫人

  • 生產規劃人員

  • 需求規劃及銷售預測管理者

  • 庫存管理人員

  • 供應鏈經理及資深經理

  • 運營管理經理及資深經理

  • 生產管理經理及資深經理

  • 供應鏈諮詢顧問及專業人士

  • ERP 供應鏈模塊導入專家顧問及行銷推廣人員

  • 即將進入職場的供應鏈管理、物流運籌及工業管理相關系所在校生及畢業生新鮮人

Earning Your CPIM


您的 APICS 認證準備工作從 APICS 學習系統開始。2023起,CPIM V8.0 學習系統分為 8 個模組。通過一次考試即可獲得 CPIM 認證。

Interested in seeing if the CPIM program is a good fit for you?

Test your knowledge with our five-question quiz.



  • Module 1: Strategy 供應鏈策略

  • Module 2: S&OP 產銷規劃

  • Module 3: Demand 需求管理

  • Module 4: Supply 供應管理

  • Module 5: Detailed Schedules 細部排程

  • Module 6: Inventory 庫存管理

  • Module 7: Distribution 配送

  • Module 8: QM, CI, & Technology 品質管理、持續改善及新科技


教材內容  查閱章節主題

■ 教材課本分為8個模組,3本美國進口原版教材;

■ 一個APICS線上學習帳號,線上輔助學習系統 CPIM learning system including;

  • 可以方便使用PC, Notebook, Pad, 手機等移動設備學習 ;

  • 可以下載CPIM全部課文的電子書、上課PPT及豐富的補充資料電子檔供離線閱讀

  • 每個模組有相應的各章節學習活動 ;

  • 可以線上觀看活潑生動的考試輔導和補充教材視頻及網頁

  • 學習系統提供的官方版模擬考題超過1000題,幫助您有效提高考試通過率

  • 可提供詳盡的個人學習進度報告 及練習題成績報告和考題解答說明。  







  • 由具有精湛講課技巧, 豐富實踐經驗,並獲得APICS 官方審查授權的頂級講師授課

  • 教材採用世界最具權威性和公信力的供應鏈管理核心知識體及專業術語,與全球領導廠商與SAP、Oracle、鼎新等國內外ERP大廠使用共同語言,幫助您順利接軌國際智能供應鏈的工作環境

  • 小班授課, 更多討論和案例研究,每班建立Line學習群組,持續交流團隊學習,課後講師親自輔導考前準備

  • 課程時間充分,共計8日(56小時),課程內容覆蓋認證考試完整內容,套裝培訓專案加贈免費重考ㄧ次機會,有效協助大多數學員通過CPIM認證

APICS CPIM Learning System
APICS學習系統是一個全面的學習軟體,可以透過研讀紙本印刷的教材或電子文檔、互動式學習活動、測驗、快閃記憶體卡,也可下載內容到個人的電腦、Pad或手機,以便您隨時隨地學習。課程表取自 APICS 考試手冊 (ECM),並組織來自產業實務多個參考文獻的資訊。

View a demo of the Learning System



Assess: 通過在線評估衡量您的知識。

Study: 線上依照各模塊章節研讀教材課文,通過練習測驗強化概念。

Practice: 通過 CPIM 模擬考題測試建立應考信心。

Why Seek the APICS CPIM Designation?

通過獲得 APICS CPIM 認證,您成為公認的運營專家,並成為組織的寶貴資產。致力於更高的知識和技能水準,提升您的職業前景,並説明任何組織在當今經濟中保持競爭力。


通過 CPIM 認證,您將獲得有效管理全球供應鏈工作的寶貴經驗,並應用基本概念和戰略,來改善日常運營。

CPIM 課程大綱

Module 1: Supply Chains and Strategy

Section A: Supply Chains, the Environment, and Strategy

Topic 1: Supply Chain, MPC, and SCOR DS Road Maps

Topic 2: Strategy Road Map

Topic 3: Mission, Vision, and Values

Topic 4: Analyzing the External Environment

Topic 5: Analyzing the Internal Environment

Section B: Strategic Scope and Objectives

Topic 1: Strategic Scope

Topic 2: Customer Segments and Strategic Objectives

Section C: Developing and Managing Organizational Strategy

Topic 1: Order Qualifiers and Winners

Topic 2: Generic Strategies

Topic 3: Executing, Monitoring, and Changing Strategy

Section D: Functional and Operational Strategies

Topic 1: Analysis for Functional and Operational Strategies

Topic 2: Capacity, Marketing, and Supply Chain Strategies

Topic 3: Functional and Operational Strategies

Topic 4: Aligning Facility Strategy

Section E: Environments, Types, and Layouts

Topic 1: Push-Pull Strategy and Manufacturing Environment

Topic 2: Product-Process Matrix

Topic 3: Determining Process Type and Layout

Topic 4: Service Design & Project Management for ETO or Improvements

Section F: Performance Monitoring and KPIs

Topic 1: Performance Monitoring Systems

Topic 2: Strategic, Financial, and Operational Metrics

Section G: Risk Management

Topic 1: Risk Management Process

Topic 2: Identifying, Assessing, and Managing Risks

Section H: Capital Equipment and Facilities

Topic 1: Business Planning and Capital Budgeting

Topic 2: Total Productive Maintenance & Health, Safety, & Environment

Section I: Sustainability Strategies

Topic 1: Sustainability Road Map

Topic 2: Sustainability Strategy and Standards

Topic 3: Impact, Mitigation, Metrics, and Reporting

Module 2: Sales and Operations Planning

Section A: S&OP Purpose and Process

Topic 1: S&OP Road Map and Key Linkages

Topic 2: S&OP Roles and Process

Topic 3: Integrating and Balancing Roles of S&OP

Section B: Aggregate Demand and Supply Plans

Topic 1: Aggregate Demand and Supply Plans

Topic 2: Production Planning Grid and Production Methods

Topic 3: Resource Planning, HR, and Strategic Buffers

Section C: Reconciling S&OP Plans

Topic 1: Synchronizing Supply and Demand

Topic 2: Tradeoffs, Alternatives, and Approved Plan

Module 3: Demand

Section A: Demand Management

Topic 1: Demand Management Road Map

Topic 2: Customer Relationship Management

Topic 3: Customer Service Methods

Topic 4: Customer Metrics

Topic 5: Influencing Demand and Product Designs

Section B: Sources of Demand/Forecasting

Topic 1: Demand Channels and Sources

Topic 2: Forecasting Road Map and Selection

Topic 3: Qualitative Forecasting

Topic 4: Quantitative Forecasting

Section C: Forecast Performance

Topic 1: Evaluating Forecast Performance

Topic 2: Forecast Management

Module 4: Supply

Section A: Creating and Validating the Master Schedule

Topic 1: Master Scheduling Road Map

Topic 2: Environment and Product Structure Impact on Master Scheduling

Topic 3: Creating the MPS

Topic 4: Rough-Cut Capacity Planning and MPS Validation

Section B: Using and Maintaining the Master Schedule

Topic 1: Using the Master Schedule

Topic 2: Maintaining the Master Schedule

Section C: Material Requirements Planning

Topic 1: MRP Road Map and Design

Topic 2: MRP Inputs, Process, and Outputs

Topic 3: Using and Managing MRP

Section D: CRP and Scheduling

Topic 1: Capacity Requirements Planning

Topic 2: MRP-Based Scheduling

Topic 3: Final Assembly Scheduling

Section E: Suppliers and Purchasing

Topic 1: Supply and Purchasing Planning

Topic 2: Supplier Relationships and Strategies

Topic 3: Capable Suppliers and Contracts

Topic 4: Purchasing Cycle and Contract Buying

Topic 5: Supplier Maintenance

Section F: Changes and Product Life Cycle Management

Topic 1: Replanning and Revision

Topic 2: Product Life Cycle Management

Module 5: Detailed Schedules

Section A: Planning Detailed Schedules

Topic 1: Detailed Scheduling and Throughput

Topic 2: Production Activity Control

Section B: Scheduling and PAC Methods

Topic 1: Intermittent/Flow Manufacturing, Scheduling, and PAC

Topic 2: MRP-Based Scheduling and PAC

Topic 3: Lean Environments, Scheduling, and PAC

Topic 4: TOC Scheduling and PAC

Topic 5: Nonstandard Demand

Section C: Creating Production and Service Schedules

Topic 1: Capacity Planning and Service Capacity

Topic 2: Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)

Section D: Managing Detailed Schedules and Scheduling Materials

Topic 1: Labor/Production Scheduling and Managing HR

Topic 2: Execution and Capacity Performance

Module 6: Inventory

Section A: Inventory Planning

Topic 1: Purposes and Goals of Inventory

Topic 2: Inventory Types and Classifications

Topic 3: Inventory Policy

Section B: Inventory and Product Costs, Value, and Metrics

Topic 1: Inventory Costs and Risk Pooling

Topic 2: Basic Accounting and Inventory

Topic 3: Costing

Topic 4: Managing Product Costs

Section C: Itemized Inventory Management

Topic 1: Push or Pull Replenishment

Topic 2: Economic Order Quantity and Lot-Size Rules

Topic 3: Safety Stock and Safety Lead Time

Topic 4: Special Inventory and Overhaul Supplies

Section D: Inventory Control

Topic 1: Inventory Storage, Flow, and Handling

Topic 2: Inventory Accuracy

Topic 3: Inventory Traceability

Module 7: Distribution

Section A: Planning Distribution

Topic 1: Distribution and Inventory Planning

Topic 2: Network Configuration

Topic 3: Distribution Plans

Topic 4: Warehousing

Topic 5: Transportation

Section B: Replenishment and Order Management

Topic 1: Replenishment Planning

Topic 2: Distribution Requirements Planning

Topic 3: Inventory Tracking Technology and Distribution Performance

Topic 4: Customer Order Management

Section C: Waste Hierarchy and Reverse Logistics

Topic 1: Waste Hierarchy

Topic 2: Reverse Logistics and Product Disposition

Module 8: Quality, Technology, and Continuous Improvement

Section A: Quality

Topic 1: Quality Planning and Assurance/Control

Topic 2: Measuring Quality Costs

Topic 3: Quality Tools

Section B: Technology

Topic 1: Requirements, Gap Analysis, and Selection

Topic 2: Implementing and Maintaining Technologies

Topic 3: Technologies

Section C: Continuous Improvement

Topic 1: Continuous Improvement Strategies

Topic 2: Lean

Topic 3: Employee Empowerment

Topic 4: Relationship Improvement Tools

Topic 5: Structured Problem-Solving Tools

Topic 6: Additional Process Improvement Tools

Topic 7: Work Area Design

Topic 8: Process Variation

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